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Help With Getting Organized For School


TIP 1.

If something didn't work for you last year, chances are that it won't work for you this year. That's why it's worth trying something new, to break away from the things that stop you from working the way you'd like.

TIP 2.

Agenda books usually don't work for disorganized people. Ask your parents to get you some kind of digital organizer. It doesn't have to be an expensive one, with a color screen and all the latest add-ons: just something with a phone book, calendar, memo pad and a game for when you're not working ;)

Here's why a digital organizer is good idea for you:

  1. It is more fun to use.

  2. It is easy to keep track of all of your current assignments, and have a record of your older ones.

  3. It's a neat way to store information so that it's automatically organized: much less sorting of notes and numbers!

  4. You won't have to write so much - something I guess you'll probably hate doing right now.

  5. You can store all your friends' phone numbers, so that you can call them to discuss your work.

  6. It means you can be more independent when working on your assignments.

  7. Less time spent arguing with your parents over homework!

making books

TIP 3.

If you hate writing rough drafts for your assignments, but you like talking about your work, then why not get your computer to do the writing for you? Voice recognition programs (like Dragon Naturally Speaking) let you talk into a microphone and see your words appear on the screen, ready to be edited, then printed out. Here's why this works well:

  1. It is more fun than a pen and paper.

  2. It writes things down much faster than a pen.

  3. You don't have to worry when your mind is working too fast for you to write down all your ideas.

  4. No more sorting through scrap paper, or lookinng for lost draft assignments.

  5. You can be more independent when working: you don't have to get a person to write things down for you when the computer does it already.

  6. Less time spent arguing with your parents over homework!
doing presentations

My Experiences in School

Tips On Starting the School Year