"We were very impressed with your ability to communiciate with Tim. This is probably enhanced by the fact that you know firsthand what Tim is experiencing. Because of your success, you seem to have empowered Tim to think more positvely about himself."
—John McBride

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For Parents...
Nate Unlocking the shackles of "Learned Helplessness"
NateIn spite of above-average IQ and reading skills, Nate's three years in special ed. classes had left him feeling stigmatized. Getting him to work up to his potential involved getting him into regular education classes, restoring his self-esteem, and teaching him about his learning style, and how to adapt to a wide range of instructional styles. I taught him and his mother alternative methods for learning academic skills, completing homework. We also addressed problems of organization and personal responsibility. His family, some teachers, and I helped Nate to confront the issues related to 'learned helplessness, " which we methodically molded into "Learned resilience." Read more...

Tim Putting puzzles together: diagnosis, performance and potential
Tim Tim came to me with an ADD diagnosis, and some LD issues that impacted organizational skills, visual and auditory processing. He was a strong reader, with superior analytic skills. Though he understood complex concepts, his written work was causing academic problems: he'd answer a question in social studies with 3 seemingly unrelated sentences, though they were related in his mind. During the summer of 2001, I started working with Tim to build compensation strategies for his highly individual learning style, and help him stop 'Slipping through the cracks'. Read more...

Experiential Learning: molding experience into academic mastery Building confidence through authentic achievement of high behavioral and academic expectations.
Working through artSomething you won't hear in many classrooms: 'Different is good.' It's why I use rock climbing, painting, music and film, etc. In teaching, each piece, like each individual, touches us by being unique. These collaborative activities bring out creative ideas, and showcase multiple facets of each individual. Combined with structured problem-solving sessions, they also help students address issues of self-esteem, as well as acquiring and reinforcing new skills. As students recall and apply lessons from their past successes within a supportive team environment, they establish a foundation for achievement as an individual. Read more...